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  ICP has published a (double) book about a variety of Bronx-relevant topics -- a review in Commonweal magazine of Dec. 5, 2003, opines  that "Predatory Bender... is as vivid an account of life in the Bronx as you are likely to read" -- click here for sample chapters, here for an interactive maphere for fast ordering and delivery, and here for other ordering information.  See also, "City Lit: Roman a Klepto [Review of ‘Predatory Bender’]," by Matt Pacenza, City Limits, Sept.-Oct. 2004. CBS MarketWatch of April 23, 2004, says the the novel has "some very funny moments," and that the non-fiction mixes "global statistics and first-person accounts." The Washington Post of March 15, 2004, calls Predatory Bender: America in the Aughts "the first novel about predatory lending;" the London Times of April 15, 2004, "A Novel Approach," said it "has a cast of colorful characters."   The Pittsburgh City Paper of Dec. 11, 2003, wrote that it "may, in fact, be the first great American lending malfeasance novel" including "low-level loan sharks, class-action lawyers, corporate bigwigs, hired muscle, corrupt politicians, Iraq War veterans, Wall Street analysts, reporters and one watchdog with a Web site."  And all in The Bronx!   Click here for that review; for more information, contact usSee, in Nov 2021, Inner City Press' book "Belt and Roadkill," here

September 16, 2024

Man Charged With Sex Abuse At Bronx School Was Freed on $1M Bond Now Gets 30 Years

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTROOM Exclusive, Sept 10 – In the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on September 9, 2021 a detention hearing was held by Magistrate Judge Steward D. Aaron on a former Bronx school teacher charges with sexual abusing girls from ten to thirteen years old.

   Jesus Concepcion was arrested on August 7 in the Western District of North Carolina on a then-sealed indictment. In the month since, Concepcion has retained his own New York defense lawyer, affiliated at least in the docket with a private investigation firm.

 The indictment says Concepcion "a/k/a Mr. C singled out the Minor Victims for personal attention, he gave them money, clothing, jewelry and other gifts, and he provided them with alcohol... inducing several of the Minor Victims to engage in sexual activity with him."

 But no press release was put out about this case.

 Judge Aaron returned from a session with Pre Trial Services and said he would release Conception on a $1,000,000 bond, with travel restricted to SDNY, EDNY and Carolina.

Jump cut three years to September 4, 2024, when the US Attorney's Office asked for 45 years imprisonment on September 10.  Two days before trial, Concepcion pled guilty to 10 counts...

On September 10, Inner City Press went, and victims spoke. From the thread:

Victim 3: My sister, I am so sorry for not protecting you, for bringing this horrible man into our lives.

Victim 3: She was only 12! You are evil! If it was up to me, I would ask for capital punishment. I'm sorry, Your Honor.

Judge: Take your time....

After the victims' testimony, including written testimony by two victims' mother, read out by the interpreter, Concepcion was sentenced to thirty years.

This case is US v. Concepcion, 21-cr-479 (Preska).


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September 9, 2024

Man Arrested After Two Bronx Shooting Found with Vest of Ammo with Trigger Fish Cited

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Sept 5 – A man charged with two shootings in The Bronx in February 2024 - one in an apartment building, another in a corner deli - was brought before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Vernon S. Broderick on September 5. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom.  

 The defendant, in an orange jumpsuit, has been detained since March 19. Judge Broderick asked about the proof that the apartment and room in which the vest with the ammo in it was found were those of the defendant, in order to determine if an evidentiary hearing will be necessary. 

 The Assistant US Attorney, referring to a "trigger fish" leading to the apartment, said the vest was in plain view in the bedroom. 

A next conference was set for January 15, 2025 at 1 pm. 

 The case is US v. Mejia, 24-cr-212 (Broderick)


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September 2, 2024

Bronx District Leader Nicole Torres Indicted in SDNY For Selling Poll Worker Jobs

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY EXCLUSIVE, Aug 27 – A Republican District Leader in the 81st Assembly District in The Bronx has been indicted for accepting bribes to give out poll worker jobs, as an employee of the Board of Elections.

     On August 27 at 2 pm, Nicole Torres was brought by U.S. Marshals before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag court. 

  The Assistant US Attorney agreed to release on unsecured $50,000 bond, with a next conference before District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil set for September 10 at 3 pm.   The now unsealed indictment alleged that Torres "illegally demanded payments from Bronx residents to herself and a local organization in exchange for selecting individuals as poll workers."  Full indictment on Patreon here

  The case is US v. Torres, 24-cr-499 (Vyskocil / Aaron)


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August 26, 2024

Bronx Woman Charged with 4 Kilos of Drugs in Car in July Gets Feb 2025 Trial Date in SDNY

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 20 –    A woman who was stopped in a car with four kilos of narcotics on 180th Street and Webster Avenue in The Bronx on July 11 appeared on August 20 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Denise L. Cote. Inner City Press was there.  

 Judge Cote, in this initial conference, inquired about discovery - the Complaint has photos of the drugs found - and set a trial date: February 3, 2025. 

   Her retained counsel, who took over from the Federal Defenders on July 17, has motions, for example to suppress, due by November 15, with the government's response due a week after that. 

 The case is  US v. Valdez, 24-cr-448 (Cote)


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August 19, 2024

As NJ Corporation Moves in on South Bronx Building Pro Se Defendant Speaks Up Loudly

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 15 – A New Jersey based corporation seeking to recoup a property on College Avenue in the South Bronx and presumably oust its occupants had a hearing on August 15 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Robyn F. Tarnofsky. Inner City Press covered it.

   A defendant insisted he had filed papers, but Judge Tarnofsky noted that they were not in the docket. The defendant sought to argue his opposition orally, with mount volume.

  Please let me know, the corporate lawyer from the New Jersey plaintiff insisted. Judge Tarnofsky said she made order the re-filing of the papers, and allow a reply and sur-reply.

  The case is College Diamond Fund, Inc. v. Davis, et al., 24-cv-4800 (Tarnofsky)


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August 12, 2024

For Attempted Robberies of Bronx Chase Bank & Check Cashier Man Plead Guilty NJ Omitted

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Aug 5 – For the attempted robbery of a Chase Bank branch on Castle Hill Avenue in the Bronx in March 2023 and the attempted robbery of a check cashing business on Elder Avenue, also in The Bronx, in March 2023, a man came to plead guilty on August 5, 2024 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Jed S. Rakoff. Inner City Press was there, the only media - the only person - in the courtroom gallery. 

 Looking back at the complaint, an alleged robbery of bank branch at 214 Washington Street in Hoboken, New Jersey on March 28, 2023 was left out of the plea.  

 Judge Rakoff joked that the prosecutor, recently married, did not yet have lines on his forehead. He then asked the defendant his age and educational attainment. 27 and 11th grade, were the answers.

 The plea agreement waives the right to appeal any sentence 71 months or less, with sentencing set for November 14 at 4 pm. 

The case is US v. Holmes, 24-cr-401 (Rakoff)


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August 5, 2024

Man Who Drove Getaway Car for Bronx Smoke Shop Robbery Has Suppression Hearing Aug 7

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 27 – A man charged with being the getaway driver for a man who robbed a smoke shop in The Bronx sought and got conditions of release on bail on October 19 in the US. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrates Court. Inner City Press was the only media there and live tweed, thread here

OK - now at bail fight in US v Rumph for armed robbery of a Bronx smoke shop. Federal Defender wants him released.

Judge: But Rumph was driving the getaway car, right?

Rumph: Thank you for paying attention, your Honor.FD: Rumph did not know that his acquaintance who jumped in his car had just robbed a smoke shop.

AUSA: The acquaintance had on a ski maskAUSA shows surveillance video of Rumpf's car speeding off before "Robber-1" even closed door behind him.

[Unlike SBF Capitol Hill testimony video, Inner City Press does not expect to be able to get this video]

Judge took a long break to deliberate in robing room with others. Rumpf said, Take all the time you need, your Honor. Judge is back - all rise!

 Judge: It's a close call. I am assuming the defendant knew his masked passenger was fleeing. But can he be released? I say yes, once $100,000 bond co-signed by 3 financially responsible people. GPS, and no driving. 

On November 16, Rumph was formally indicted and the case wheeled out to District Judge Andrew L. Carter.

Jump cut to July 26, 2024 when the US Attorney's Office wrote in about the August 7 suppression hearing on the search of the car, saying they will call Detective Kenneth Ayala to testify.

The case is US v. Rumph, 23-cr-603 (Carter)


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July 29, 2024

As Bronx Drugs and Guns Case Moves to Trial DOJ Mulls Appealing Suppression New Counsel

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 26 – Bruce Silva, Elijah Pough and others were indicted in a Bronx drugs and guns (shooting) case.

On July 19, 2024 Bruce Silva's motion to suppress the search of the blue iPhone he had on him at the time of his arrest was granted, on the ground that the warrant did not show any nexus between the phone and the indicted crimes.  

With the case set for trial beginning October 7, on July 26 co-defendant Pough appeared before U.S. District Court Judge Paul G. Gardephe. Inner City Press was there. 

 Judge Gardephe had appointed Pough his third CJA lawyer, who said he will be ready to go on October 7 (and might write it seeking a second chair).

Then the prosecutor put on the record that his Office is considering an interlocutory appeal of the decision to suppress. "We'd have to ask Main Justice," he said.  

 Judge Gardephe reminded the prosecutor that he had been Chief of the Appeal unit.

He asked to be told soon if there will be an appeal.

The overall case is US v. Silva, et al., 23-cr-204 (Gardephe)


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July 22, 2024

After NYCHA Extortion Take Down Starks Mulls Moving to Dismiss under Snyder Decision

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 18 – For days Inner City Press had heard from its sources there would be a "takedown" on February 6, each SDNY Magistrate Judge would handle seven to 10 defendants.

Arrests happen at 6 am. So at 5:55 am Inner City Press tweeted it, first to X subscribers with the spoiler alert: the expectation was that each of the current or former NYCHA employees would be released on bond the same day.  

And then hours later at 9:39 am the prosecutors announced it. Media rushed around reporting it.  Inner City Press had it first, and after discretely waiting, published it first. Then this thread of presentments, here

 Now in Courtroom on 9 Charles Starks, 57,  of NYCHA70 with a Big Law CJA lawyer argues for no bond, release on own recognisance. He's accused of $7000 in bribes over 3 years. He's already fired.  "This is not Bernie Madoff."
Judge: $50,000 bond; wife can co-sign

On March 5, this defendant's case was indicted and assigned to District Judge Jennifer L. Rochon.

On July 18, Judge Rochon held a status conference with Starks; Inner City Press was there. Starks' lawyer said he might be moving to dismiss under the Supreme Court's decision on June 2024 in US v. Snyder. Judge Rochon gave him until September 16 to make that motion. We will be covering it - as it has implications for the other NYCHA cases, many of which are already pled out. Watch this site.

A case is US v. Starks, 24-cr-126 (Rochon)

 Watch this site - and these feeds: X and  X for subscribers.

And Substack here


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July 15, 2024

On Fentanyl Death in Bronx Daycare Amparo Herrera Pleads Guilty to Lesser Included Offense

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 11 – Following the death of a one-year old baby by fentanyl, on September 19, 2023 the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York charged Grei Mendez and Carlisto Acevedo Brito.

On September 25, with no notice and Inner City Press initially the only person in the courtroom gallery, the third man was brought in: Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread

On January 23, Paredes' lawyer argued, and lost, before the assigned District Judge Jed S. Rakoff: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jed S. Rakoff: Oral Argument as to Felix Herrera Garcia, Grei Mendez, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, Renny Antonio Parra Paredes held on 1/23/2024. The trial date is adjourned to 6/10/2024

On February 12, Inner City Press went to a possible change of counsel hearing on lead defendant Felix Herrera Garcia - but soon Judge Rakoff asked everyone but Herrera Garcia and his still counsel to leave the courtroom, "even my favorite reporter."

On June 10, the day of jury selection on Herrera Garcia, his trial was canceled; he pled guilty.

On June 13, Judge Rakoff issued a blistering order chiding Federal Defenders and the US Attorney's Office, and recommending that CJA counsel henceforth be available on Saturdays: "OPINION as to Grei Mendez: While the Court is extremely disappointed with the conduct of the Federal Defenders and the Government in this case, it also recognizes the role that this District's standing policy of not requiring CJA counsel to be on call on Saturdays had in precipitating the events of September 23, 2023. If this District, instead, had a standing policy that provided for CJA counsel to at least be on call on Saturdays, this entire situation would never have occurred. Accordingly, the Court has recommended to the relevant committee of this Court that it revise this policy so as to ensure that indigent defendants always have immediate access to conflict-free counsel and permanently prevent the misconduct that occurred here from happening again in the future. (Signed by Judge Jed S. Rakoff on 6/13/2024)."

Back on March 21, Grei Mendez was brought into the Magistrates Court to be arraigned on a superseding indictment. Inner City Press was there, thread

the Court severed Ms. Mendez from the jury trial of her co-defendant set to proceed on June 10, 2024, and a new trial will be calendared in her case."

On July 11, another guilty plea, Inner City Press was there, thread:

OK - now in Bronx deadly fentanyl daycare case, defendant 5  Jean Carlo Amparo Herrera is pleading guilty to a lesser included offense. 

Judge: Where are you from? Herrera: Dominican. Judge: Are you satisfied with your lawyer?

Herrera: Si. Judge: Do you wish to plead guilty? Herrera: Si.

[it appears family of child who died are here] Judge: The agreement has a five year mandatory minimum. I will hardly considered the guidelines. I have been given a copy of a letter agreement stipulating the guideline is 210 to 260 months

How do you plead?


Sentencing was set for October 22 at 4 pm.

More on Substack here

The case is US v. Herrera Garcia et al., 23-cr-504 (Rakoff)

Watch this site.


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July 8, 2024

Bronx Man Arrested with Gun on 161 Street was Brought From Rikers Pleads Asking 18 Months

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 1 –  Joseph Otero, a felon, was arrested in a car with a gun on St. Ann's Avenue and 161st Street in The Bronx.

    On October 24, 2023 Otero was brought from Rikers Island for presentment before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag court.  

The prosecutor said on this felon in possession charge, they would seek detention.

 Otero's CJA lawyer said he was consenting to detention, as Otero had been in Rikers unable to make his (state) cash bail.

Jump cut to March 4, 2024, when Otero was arraigned before District Judge Jed S. Rakoff.

On April 8, Otero in the yellow jumpsuit of the Essex County Department of Corrections was brought into SDNY Magistrates Court and pled guilty, to a Pimintel letter for 30 to 37 months. The AUSA asked him to admit to a forfeiture allegation: the gun. A control date for sentencing was set for July 8.

On July 1, Otero's lawyer wrote in and asked for a sentence of 18 months.

The case is US v. Otero, 24-cr-120 (Rakoff / Netburn)


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July 1, 2024

Man Followed from NJ to The Bronx to Sell 8 Pounds of Meth Detained on Consent in SDNY

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 21 –A man who traveled from New Jersey with eight pounds of methamphetamine in a backpack on June 11, through the Port Authority Bus Terminal then to The Bronx to sell it, HSI says, was presented on June 21 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge James L. Cott. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag Court.

  The complaint describes a previously controlled buy, also in The Bronx, on April 8. It contains a photo of the defendant's Mexican voting card. 

  He was assigned a Federal Defender, who consented to his detention and waived to the 30th day for the preliminary hearing.

  The case is US v. Cuatle-Coyotl, 24-mj-2311 (Cott)

June 24, 2024

Guilty Verdict for Murder on Aqueduct Walk in The Bronx Next Ferguson Sentencing Oct 9

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 18 – Ricardo Ferguson is on trial for the murder on December 5, 2021 of Robert Brown, Sr. on Aqueduct Walk in The Bronx.

On June 13, 2024 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Richard M. Berman, SDNY prosecutors presented the photo identification of Ferguson. Inner City Press was in the gallery, as were more than a dozen Bronxites, listening intently. 

  An NYPD detective narrated the identification by Luis Tejada, who reported said, "Aqueduct Walk Park, he shot my uncle" and pointed.

But the confidence question at the end was not filled out.    Next up was a witness from HRA.

On June 14 defense counsel asked for an order to be able to reach Ferguson by phone - and got it.

On June 18, he was convicted, with sentencing set for October 9: "conviction of RICARDO FERGUSON, a/k/a “Maybach,” for the December 5, 2021, murder of Robert Brown, Sr. inside of the Aqueduct Park walkway in the University Heights neighborhood of the Bronx.  FERGUSON shot Brown in the head and attempted to steal crack cocaine and money from Brown’s pockets during a dispute over drug sales."

 The case is US v. Ferguson, 22-cr-135 (Berman) 


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June 17, 2024

On Fentanyl Death in Bronx Daycare Herrera Garcia Pled Now No CJA On Saturday Slammed

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 13 – Following the death of a one-year old baby by fentanyl, on September 19, 2023 the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York charged Grei Mendez and Carlisto Acevedo Brito.

On September 25, with no notice and Inner City Press initially the only person in the courtroom gallery, the third man was brought in: Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread

On January 23, Paredes' lawyer argued, and lost, before the assigned District Judge Jed S. Rakoff: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jed S. Rakoff: Oral Argument as to Felix Herrera Garcia, Grei Mendez, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, Renny Antonio Parra Paredes held on 1/23/2024. The trial date is adjourned to 6/10/2024

On February 12, Inner City Press went to a possible change of counsel hearing on lead defendant Felix Herrera Garcia - but soon Judge Rakoff asked everyone but Herrera Garcia and his still counsel to leave the courtroom, "even my favorite reporter."

On June 10, the day of jury selection on Herrera Garcia, his trial was canceled; he pled guilty.

On June 13, Judge Rakoff issued a blistering order chiding Federal Defenders and the US Attorney's Office, and recommending that CJA counsel henceforth be available on Saturdays: "OPINION as to Grei Mendez: While the Court is extremely disappointed with the conduct of the Federal Defenders and the Government in this case, it also recognizes the role that this District's standing policy of not requiring CJA counsel to be on call on Saturdays had in precipitating the events of September 23, 2023. If this District, instead, had a standing policy that provided for CJA counsel to at least be on call on Saturdays, this entire situation would never have occurred. Accordingly, the Court has recommended to the relevant committee of this Court that it revise this policy so as to ensure that indigent defendants always have immediate access to conflict-free counsel and permanently prevent the misconduct that occurred here from happening again in the future. (Signed by Judge Jed S. Rakoff on 6/13/2024)."

Back on March 21, Grei Mendez was brought into the Magistrates Court to be arraigned on a superseding indictment. Inner City Press was there, thread

the Court severed Ms. Mendez from the jury trial of her co-defendant set to proceed on June 10, 2024, and a new trial will be calendared in her case."

More on Substack here

The case is US v. Herrera Garcia et al., 23-cr-504 (Rakoff)

Watch this site.

June 10, 2024

For Ghost Gun and Coke on Bronx El Platform with Anti-Gun Backpack Greene Detained

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 5 –DOJ announced on Wednesday it was "charging JERMAINE GREENE with firearms and narcotics offenses in connection with a March 28, 2024, incident at the New York City subway station located on Fordham Road and Jerome Avenue in the Bronx. GREENE was arrested today and presented before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron."   Inner City Press was there, the only media in the SDNY Mag Court.

OK - now at bail hearing of man arrested with loaded ghost gun, wearing the uniform of an anti-gun group, his employers. (Federal) prosecutor says NYS granted bail because can't/won't consider dangerousness. Here in SDNY, he is ordered detained. Story later.

— Inner City Press (@innercitypress) June 5, 2024

 Greene was detained on consent. He had dread locked tied in a bun. And the prosecutor zeroed in on that he wore the backpack of a Bronx anti-gun group, his employer.

  The Federal Defense said he had not tried to use that status, he was just wearing a work uniform.

June 3, 2024

After Fentanyl Death in Bronx Daycare 1 Pleads as Grei Mendez Severed From June 10 Trial

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 24 – Following the death of a one-year old baby by fentanyl, on September 19, 2023 the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York charged Grei Mendez and Carlisto Acevedo Brito.

On September 25, with no notice and Inner City Press initially the only person in the courtroom gallery, the third man was brought in: Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread:

 Judge Wang: You are charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics. AUSA: We seek detention, and they consent. Defense lawyer: Most of his family is out of town. We consent.

On January 23, Paredes' lawyer argued, and lost, before the assigned District Judge Jed S. Rakoff: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jed S. Rakoff: Oral Argument as to Felix Herrera Garcia, Grei Mendez, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, Renny Antonio Parra Paredes held on 1/23/2024. The trial date is adjourned to 6/10/2024 and time is excluded in the interest of justice, pursuant to Section 3161 of Title 18. Deft Paredes bail application is denied as a risk of flight and danger to the community. All deft's continued remanded."

On February 12, Inner City Press went to a possible change of counsel hearing on lead defendant Felix Herrera Garcia - but soon Judge Rakoff asked everyone but Herrera Garcia and his still counsel to leave the courtroom, "even my favorite reporter."

Once back in, Judge Rakoff said the problem had been fixed, for now, with a letter possible in two weeks. On fingerprints he noted decisions by Judge Pollack in his native Philadelphia, and the Spain bombing fingerprint snafu. A Daubert hearing on prints is possible.

On March 21, Grei Mendez was brought into the Magistrates Court to be arraigned on a superseding indictment. Inner City Press was there, thread

On May 22, Grei Mendez got a new lawyer - and had her trial severed: "ORDER as to (23-Cr-504-2) Grei Mendez. On May 22, 2024, the Court held a hearing to determine whether counsel for defendant Grei Mendez had a conflict of interest that required the appointment of new counsel. Upon hearing the nature of the conflict, the Court determined that new counsel needed to be appointed for Ms. Mendez. The Court accordingly relieved the Federal Defenders as counsel for Ms. Mendez and appointed that day's CJA counsel to represent Ms. Mendez moving forward. As a result of the change of counsel, the Court severed Ms. Mendez from the jury trial of her co-defendant set to proceed on June 10, 2024, and a new trial will be calendared in her case."

Back on May 17, it was docketed that one of the defendants now plans to plead guilty: "NOTICE OF HEARING as to Renny Antonio Parra Paredes.

On May 23, he did plead guilty: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jed S. Rakoff: Change of Plea Hearing as to Renny Antonio Parra Paredes held on 5/23/2024. Judge Rakoff held a change of plea hearing. Defendant withdraws his plea of not guilty, waives the public reading of the charges and pleads guilty to the lesser included offense in count 1 of the superseding indictment. SENS 10/24/2024."

More on Substack here

On April 11 another defendant was added in an S2 indictment: Jean Carlo Amparo Herrera. He was brought into the SDNY Magistrates Court, where Inner City Press was the only media. His lawyer argued that he wasn't charged as the others were, and that she hadn't seen a video the prosecutor mentioned. But he had driven a co-defendant to Pennsylvania after the death, and more. He was detained.

May 27, 2024

After Fentanyl Death in Bronx Daycare Now Grei Mendez Severed From June 10 Trial

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 23 – Following the death of a one-year old baby by fentanyl, on September 19, 2023 the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York charged Grei Mendez and Carlisto Acevedo Brito.

On September 25, with no notice and Inner City Press initially the only person in the courtroom gallery, the third man was brought in: Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread:

 Judge Wang: You are charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics. AUSA: We seek detention, and they consent. Defense lawyer: Most of his family is out of town. We consent.

On January 23, Paredes' lawyer argued, and lost, before the assigned District Judge Jed S. Rakoff: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jed S. Rakoff: Oral Argument as to Felix Herrera Garcia, Grei Mendez, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, Renny Antonio Parra Paredes held on 1/23/2024. The trial date is adjourned to 6/10/2024 and time is excluded in the interest of justice, pursuant to Section 3161 of Title 18. Deft Paredes bail application is denied as a risk of flight and danger to the community. All deft's continued remanded."

On February 12, Inner City Press went to a possible change of counsel hearing on lead defendant Felix Herrera Garcia - but soon Judge Rakoff asked everyone but Herrera Garcia and his still counsel to leave the courtroom, "even my favorite reporter."

Once back in, Judge Rakoff said the problem had been fixed, for now, with a letter possible in two weeks. On fingerprints he noted decisions by Judge Pollack in his native Philadelphia, and the Spain bombing fingerprint snafu. A Daubert hearing on prints is possible.

On March 21, Grei Mendez was brought into the Magistrates Court to be arraigned on a superseding indictment. Inner City Press was there, thread

On May 22, Grei Mendez got a new lawyer - and had her trial severed: "ORDER as to (23-Cr-504-2) Grei Mendez. On May 22, 2024, the Court held a hearing to determine whether counsel for defendant Grei Mendez had a conflict of interest that required the appointment of new counsel. Upon hearing the nature of the conflict, the Court determined that new counsel needed to be appointed for Ms. Mendez. The Court accordingly relieved the Federal Defenders as counsel for Ms. Mendez and appointed that day's CJA counsel to represent Ms. Mendez moving forward. As a result of the change of counsel, the Court severed Ms. Mendez from the jury trial of her co-defendant set to proceed on June 10, 2024, and a new trial will be calendared in her case."

Back on May 17, it was docketed that one of the defendants now plans to plead guilty: "NOTICE OF HEARING as to Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. An in court change of plea was scheduled. He did plead guilty.

May 20, 2024

After Fentanyl Death in Bronx Daycare Now One Defendant Set to Plead Guilty on May 23

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 17 – Following the death of a one-year old baby by fentanyl, on September 19, 2023 the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York charged Grei Mendez and Carlisto Acevedo Brito.

On September 25, with no notice and Inner City Press initially the only person in the courtroom gallery, the third man was brought in: Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread:

 Judge Wang: You are charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics. AUSA: We seek detention, and they consent. Defense lawyer: Most of his family is out of town. We consent.

On January 23, Paredes' lawyer argued, and lost, before the assigned District Judge Jed S. Rakoff: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jed S. Rakoff: Oral Argument as to Felix Herrera Garcia, Grei Mendez, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, Renny Antonio Parra Paredes held on 1/23/2024. The trial date is adjourned to 6/10/2024 and time is excluded in the interest of justice, pursuant to Section 3161 of Title 18. Deft Paredes bail application is denied as a risk of flight and danger to the community. All deft's continued remanded."

On February 12, Inner City Press went to a possible change of counsel hearing on lead defendant Felix Herrera Garcia - but soon Judge Rakoff asked everyone but Herrera Garcia and his still counsel to leave the courtroom, "even my favorite reporter."

Once back in, Judge Rakoff said the problem had been fixed, for now, with a letter possible in two weeks. On fingerprints he noted decisions by Judge Pollack in his native Philadelphia, and the Spain bombing fingerprint snafu. A Daubert hearing on prints is possible.

On March 21, Grei Mendez was brought into the Magistrates Court to be arraigned on a superseding indictment. Inner City Press was there, thread

On May 17, it was docketed that one of the defendants now plans to plead guilty: "NOTICE OF HEARING as to Renny Antonio Parra Paredes. An in court change of plea is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 4:30 PM  before Judge Jed S. Rakoff."

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On April 11 another defendant was added in an S2 indictment: Jean Carlo Amparo Herrera. He was brought into the SDNY Magistrates Court, where Inner City Press was the only media. His lawyer argued that he wasn't charged as the others were, and that she hadn't seen a video the prosecutor mentioned. But he had driven a co-defendant to Pennsylvania after the death, and more. He was detained.

The case is US v. Herrera Garcia et al., 23-cr-504 (Rakoff)

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May 13, 2024

For 2002 Death of Atari Felton in The Bronx Ayala Gets 220 Months After Asked For 60

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, May 6 – For the murder of Atari Felton by 1665 Topping Ave in The Bronx on March 27, 2002 two defendants were brought shackled on September 13, 2023 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.  Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom.

 But the two defendants had supporters and family members. A third defendant - not in the docket - is in Jamaica from which he is unlikely to be extradited, the AUSA said.

 Judge Hellerstein expressed frustration at the slow pace of discovery production or processing; he asked why the Discovery Coordinator was not present. (They usually aren't, the AUSA replied).

  He declined to set a trial date before a motion schedule.

Jump cut to April 29, 2024, when Ayala's lawyer wrote in asking for a five year sentencing on May 6, arguing that "he did not have a gun nor was he at the actual scene of the shooting when it occurred."

On May 6, Ayala was sentenced to 220 months imprisonment.

May 6, 2024

For 2002 Death of Atari Felton in The Bronx Ayala Asks for Five Year Sentence

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, April 29 – For the murder of Atari Felton by 1665 Topping Ave in The Bronx on March 27, 2002 two defendants were brought shackled on September 13, 2023 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein.  Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom.

 But the two defendants had supporters and family members. A third defendant - not in the docket - is in Jamaica from which he is unlikely to be extradited, the AUSA said.

 Judge Hellerstein expressed frustration at the slow pace of discovery production or processing; he asked why the Discovery Coordinator was not present. (They usually aren't, the AUSA replied).

  He declined to set a trial date before a motion schedule.

Jump cut to April 29, 2024, when Ayala's lawyer wrote in asking for a five year sentencing on May 6, arguing that "he did not have a gun nor was he at the actual scene of the shooting when it occurred."

The case is US v. Ayala, et al., 22-cr-378 (Hellerstein)


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April 29, 2024

Bronx Man Charged With Robbing Bodega Had Release Reversed Now Will Not Meet Doctor

By Matthew Russell Lee,